Awans na stanowisko lidera – jak zostać dyrektorem generalnym. Przykłady i zasady najlepszych.
Wiele osób aspiruje do bycia odnoszącymi sukcesy liderami uznanych korporacji i jest to rzeczywiście trudna, ale osiągalna ścieżka. Jeśli należysz do grona tych, którzy marzą o zostaniu CEO, możesz zdobyć cenną wiedzę od tych, którzy osiągnęli już mistrzostwo w swojej dziedzinie. Zapoznaj się z tym artykułem, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o ich historiach sukcesu.
Lider zespołu jest kluczowy w kierowaniu firmą i podejmowaniu ważnych decyzji. To oni są odpowiedzialni za wyniki całego zespołu. Wybór dobrze dopasowanego lidera zapewnia zmotywowany i spójny zespół, który może osiągnąć swoje cele i osiągnąć pożądane wyniki. Sukces firmy zależy od zbiorowego wysiłku członków zespołu. Dlatego wybór odpowiedniego kandydata do kierowania zespołem, zwłaszcza na stanowisku CEO, ma kluczowe znaczenie dla wzrostu i rozwoju firmy.
Ale kto właściwie jest dyrektorem generalnym?
Dyrektor generalny jest najwyższym rangą członkiem kierownictwa firmy. Jest to stanowisko wielkiej odpowiedzialności, ponieważ od niego zależy sukces i kierunek całej firmy. Chociaż konkretne obowiązki CEO mogą się różnić w zależności od firmy, do jego ogólnych obowiązków należy budowanie i utrzymywanie pozytywnych relacji z partnerami biznesowymi, reprezentowanie firmy, kreowanie korzystnego wizerunku publicznego oraz podejmowanie krytycznych decyzji w celu osiągnięcia celów finansowych i operacyjnych firmy.
CEO, czyli dyrektor generalny, jest odpowiedzialny za zapewnienie sprawnego funkcjonowania i kontroli nad całą firmą. Ich nadrzędnym celem jest rozwój firmy i zapewnienie jej rentowności. Aby to osiągnąć, skuteczny prezes musi zadbać o to, aby procesy w firmie były dobrze skoordynowane i generowały pożądane zyski.
Ta rola zaczyna się od wyznaczenia konkretnych celów, do których będzie dążył cały zespół. Muszą zadbać o to, aby plany firmy zostały zrealizowane i monitorować cały proces.
Prezesi zarządzają organizacją na każdym etapie działalności, analizując otrzymywane raporty z działalności firmy. Prezes spółki musi być stale zaangażowany w działalność firmy, szczególnie przy podejmowaniu decyzji, które mają istotny wpływ na działalność firmy, takich jak ważne inwestycje czy restrukturyzacja. Podkreśla to znaczenie roli prezesa w kontekście funkcjonowania całej firmy.
Jakie są obowiązki pracownika, który pracuje jako CEO?
- Definiowanie celów strategicznych dla firmy,
- Nadzór nad podmiotami zarządzającymi finansami spółki,
- Budowanie pozytywnego wizerunku firmy – działania PR,
- Negocjacje z partnerami biznesowymi,
- Nawiązywanie i utrzymywanie pozytywnych relacji z instytucjami współpracującymi z firmą,
- Opracowanie planu zarządzania kryzysowego w celu zminimalizowania negatywnego wpływu na działalność firmy,
- Komunikowanie się ze wszystkimi podmiotami w firmie w celu sprawowania kontroli i monitorowania działań całego zespołu,
- Sukcesywne wdrażanie nowych technologii usprawniających działanie firmy,
- Budowanie podległego zespołu odpowiedzialnego za pracowników różnych szczebli,
“Jeśli jesteś współzałożycielem lub dyrektorem generalnym, musisz wykonywać wszelkiego rodzaju zadania, których możesz nie chcieć wykonywać… Jeśli nie wykonasz swoich obowiązków, firma nie odniesie sukcesu… Żadne zadanie nie jest zbyt służebne”
Elon Musk / Dyrektor generalny Tesli, Twittera i Space-X
Jeśli chcesz zostać dyrektorem generalnym, musisz być dobrym liderem. Ale co to dokładnie oznacza?
- Effective communication is the most essential characteristic of a good leader. A CEO must express themselves clearly and understandably to manage the team’s work efficiently. It is essential to choose the right communication channel according to the situation; for example, some matters require face-to-face discussions. It is also good practice to hold periodic meetings with the team, where employees can express their thoughts freely. This is an ideal opportunity to resolve any misunderstandings among the employees. Such meetings make employees feel heard and valued
- Maintaining stress resistance is crucial for effective team management. As a CEO, it is essential to remain calm in every situation and avoid being swayed by emotions. You must be capable of making accurate and effective decisions, even in situations that require immediate action. In case of any problem within the company, all eyes will turn towards the CEO, and the employees will look up to them for clear direction. There is no room for uncertainty in such circumstances.
- Consistent enforcement of duties is also one of the key tasks of a good leader. While it is crucial to maintain friendly relationships with co-workers, the CEO must also take on the role of the “bad cop.” The leader must have control over the work of their team and intervene if necessary, imposing consequences for failure to meet deadlines or fulfill duties.
- Trust is the cornerstone of any successful team. Without it, you cannot create an atmosphere where your colleagues feel comfortable sharing their ideas. A trustworthy boss is someone you can rely on and who always keeps their word. At the same time, trust must be reciprocal. The CEO should build a team where they can delegate certain responsibilities without worrying that something will go wrong.
- Building authority is a complex and time-consuming process, but without it, you won’t be able to establish the right position as a boss. By earning trust among your coworkers, you will also gain respect, which is essential for effective team management. A lack of authority among employees can make it difficult to achieve the set goals and implement necessary changes in the company. This is not an easy task, especially when you are promoted to a higher position. In such a case, it is important to set clear boundaries and expectations. A strong CEO authority can influence the work atmosphere, inspire others to take action, and provide support in case of any difficulties.
- An inspiring leader is someone who can bring the entire team together towards a common goal. A leader who is driven by passion and fully committed to their work can motivate and inspire others to become better and better. It is crucial to communicate the goals you are working towards with your team so that everyone knows what they are striving for. This directly translates into the work of the entire team, as people are more willing to engage in their tasks if they see the importance of their work. Additionally, as a CEO who inspires other employees, it is important to allow them to prove themselves and gain new experiences. This will not only demonstrate your trust in them but also enable your employees to grow and develop
We’ve already covered the basics, but now it’s time to ask yourself the big question: what steps can you take to become a Chief Executive Officer?
The answer to this question is not as clear-cut as it may seem. It all depends on the industry you choose the company you work for, and the predispositions and skills you have. Regardless of the path you choose, there are a few aspects that are quite universal.
In order to reach a certain position in your career, education is a good starting point, though not always necessary. However, in most cases, your level of education may ultimately determine whether or not you will be able to achieve your desired position. It’s important to gain higher experience, which will open up many opportunities from a formal point of view. Additionally, pursuing studies will provide you with basic knowledge in the field of management. An MBA is a great solution, as it will comprehensively prepare you for work in fields such as accounting, finance, HR, marketing, or negotiations.
“Focus on education is a big strength. I want to see the young people focus on the creativity and take more risks.”
Sundar Pichai / CEO of Google
A recent study by has revealed that the majority of CEOs possess higher education qualifications such as bachelor’s, engineer’s, master’s, or doctorate degrees. The findings indicate that most CEOs with higher education are employed in Europe (74%) and Latin America (73%). The graph further illustrates that even the regions with the lowest percentage of CEOs holding higher education degrees, Australia (59%) and Africa (50%), still exhibit a considerable level of education among individuals in this position.
It’s worth considering taking up an internship in a company within the industry that interests you, in parallel with your education. This provides an excellent opportunity to gain the knowledge and experience necessary for your professional growth, under the guidance of experienced professionals. The best way to quickly acquire knowledge is by putting it into practice.
Make the most of every opportunity! If you’re beginning your professional journey, it’s hard to know which qualifications will land you a job at a specific company. Therefore, it’s important to keep educating yourself and obtaining certificates or specializations. Additionally, there are many courses available to improve your skills and prepare you for a leadership role.
Build your personal brand!” Shirley Morrison, the author of the book “From Classroom to Career: How to Network, Nail the Interview, and Navigate to Success,” creates various content on her Instagram. She addresses young people who are just starting their professional career and may not know how to manage it. Shirley emphasizes the significance of building a personal brand to achieve a senior position
“Building a personal brand takes time and consistency. Think about what brand you want to build, what you genuinely like or care about, and put yourself out there, which can be scary and uncomfortable at first. A brand needs an audience and to have an audience you need to bring something to the table. To establish yourself as an expert in any field- think about what value you can bring to your audience. What do people gain by listening to you? Do they learn by listening to your podcast or what service do you bring to their lives?
Two examples, I have a friend at work who built her personal brand at Salesforce by being the ‘Slack’ expert on her team, when it was first purchased by the company. She gained a reputation for being the Slack expert in her group and would join calls with over a hundred people explaining the product. This brand gave her an audience information that they did not previously know, she was genuinely interested to share her knowledge and it helped her get recognized by her management as an expert on the product.
The second example is that another colleague of mine built his brand as the ‘fun ambassador’. He decided he wanted to bring joy and fun to work each day and year. He organized a Salesforce Day at Disneyland every quarter for his colleagues and their children. He got recognized around the office for this event and noticed by management because all their children also joined. Bringing joy helped build a good team culture and helped him get promoted/noticed positively due to his ability to help identify team-building events and organize these joyful days at Disneyland.”
For more content from Shirley click here
Reaching the highest position is the art of small steps
The road to becoming a CEO is challenging, requiring patience and continuous self-improvement. Shirley Morrison reminds us that Building a successful career requires more than just working hard. You need to set small goals every day, week, month, or quarter to create a brand that is not only for your current job but also for the job you want to have in the next 10 years.
If you aspire to become a CEO, you should find a mentor who is already a CEO and can help you think like one. Additionally, networking with people from different departments of the company can help you learn about all aspects of the business, including HR, operations, sales, IT, and more. Finally, don’t forget to get your brand out there by speaking at appropriate functions and showcasing your skills and talents. By taking these steps, you can pave the way for your future success.