Qualified massage therapists are currently in great demand. According to research, there is a shortage of massage therapists and therefore it seems to be a great profession to go into.
That is why we suggest becoming a masseur, since studying massage techniques will pay off in the future. Read this article and find how to become a massage therapist.
Is it worth becoming a massage therapist?
As more and more doctors recommend massages as a complementary element of the treatment process because of their excellent results, being a massage therapist appears to be a very promising career.
Qualified masseurs, contrary to what you might think, can find a job in many places. Not only in wellness centers, spas, hospitals, or public clinics, but also in other facilities.
These, among others, include:
- sports centers,
- spas,
- hotels,
- private medical facilities,
- private companies that are increasingly purchasing the services of mobile massage therapists for their employees.
In addition, the massage also has relaxation qualities. Therefore, people who know how to do it properly can also be employed.
You can learn more about the benefits of working as a massage therapist from that film.
15 valuable tips: how to become a massage therapist
The prospects of employment security and high wages make more and more people ask themselves how to become a masseur.
Therefore, knowledge of massage techniques should be confirmed by qualifications and certified by diplomas or certificates which can open new horizons in this profession.
Before getting them, we encourage you to read through these 15 practical tips on the road to your dream massage therapy profession.
Find out what the massage therapy profession is all about
Before taking any job, understand what the profession is all about. Sometimes this information already helps you to realize, before any financial or time investment is made, that this is not the career path for you.
It is important to know that working as a masseur involves the performance of specialized manual treatments using the hands and instruments that improve health, appearance, and well-being.
A massage therapist selects the massage methods for all their clients, so he or she can prevent their development or reverse their effects.
In addition, he or she should also constantly monitor the patients’ reactions during the treatment and resolve any doubts.
Therefore, the job of a massage therapist combines both physical and mental work and requires specialized knowledge in various fields.
What skills should a massage therapist have?
Since the work of massage therapist is closely related to the human body, masseurs are required to have excellent knowledge of anatomy and human physiology.
It should also:
- be familiar with basic massage techniques,
- be able to use specialized terms and phrases,
- select massage techniques to meet individual patients’ needs,
- know how to perform first aid.
All these skills can be gained through the right educational path, so even though massage therapists do not need to have any licenses to practice, it is worth the effort to pursue this profession safely.
Ensure whether you can pursue a massage therapy profession
As in any other profession, there are certain counter-indications to follow.
These, among others, include:
- any disability making it substantially difficult to perform massages,
- faulty postures preventing you from standing in an inconvenient bent position for long periods of time,
- cardiovascular diseases (including varicose veins),
- tendency to dizziness and fainting,
- epilepsy,
- chronic skin lesions of the upper extremities,
- chronic infectious diseases.
However, remember that the final decision on aptitude for being a masseur is made each time and individually by an authorized physician.
Keep yourself fit and healthy
Another extremely important thing to keep in mind while planning to enter the massage therapy profession is that it requires very good physical condition and general health. Massage therapists sometimes spend up over a dozen hours a day standing, using the strength of their muscles during massages.
Therefore, it is worth preparing for this properly, by practicing general functional training and leading a healthy lifestyle. You can take care of your health by eating vegetarian or starting a gluten-free diet.
Prepare yourself mentally
Many people who consider becoming a massage therapist also forget that this work involves close contact with people. Therefore, it requires a high level of stress resistance.
Not all patients are polite, and massage therapists can sometimes experience criticism. The most important thing is not to burden your psyche with them and not to treat the behavior of “difficult patients” personally.
In addition, it is also crucial to have superb communication skills. This feature is especially useful when conducting a pre-massage interview to choose the techniques during the treatment and to learn about any patient’s condition.
Decide what kind of massage you want
Massage therapy is a field that covers many issues in a single term. There are countless types of massages in which practitioners can specialize. The most popular methods of massages are the following ones:
- classical,
- therapeutic,
- sports.
Choosing one of these three specializations allows you to orient yourself on additional techniques that you will use during treatments of patients.
In the process of education, you gain knowledge about all these methods, so you can be more familiar with them and then make a deliberate decision about which one you want to specialize in. General knowledge about all the main massage methods allows the massage therapist to work better and orient themselves to various issues related to their profession.
If you want to do sports massages, you can also check how to become a personal trainer. The combination of these professions will increase your chances on labor market.
Learn about your future profession from the legal side
The profession of massage therapist is usually not legally regulated and does not require a license. Although, as a profession closely related to the protection and improvement of health, it is necessary that in public and private health care institutions only personnel with the qualifications and education, certified by a diploma as a massage therapist or Master of Science in Physiotherapy, can be hired.
These rules are also extremely important for massage therapists who plan to open their own practices or massage parlors.
Study of massage – technical college
This point seamlessly led to getting the answer to the titular question of how to become a massage therapist. The first opportunity to gain a professional education is to complete a 5-year technical school in the classic training cycle with a major in massage therapy.
This solution is recommended for people wondering how to become a masseur after high school. Graduating from such a technical school gives the graduates both secondary education and professional. In addition, the students of such a technical school also undergo mandatory professional practice, which prepares them for the profession.
Studying at a technical secondary school for masseurs ends with a vocational exam appropriate for the educational institution. The exam consists of two parts: practical and theoretical. Getting a positive result in both parts entitles you to get a Diploma of Technician of Massage Therapy, which opens the possibility of working in this profession.
Study of massaging – post-secondary school
Another way to become a massage therapist is to complete post-secondary education as a massage therapist technician. Massage education at such a facility usually lasts two years and is carried out in extramural or evening mode. The minimum requirement, however, is to have a secondary education.
Post-secondary massage schools end with a vocational exam, just like in technical secondary schools, with the same formula – a positive result of which in two parts leads to a certificate confirming qualifications of the occupation Masseur Technician MED.10.
This solution is most often chosen by people who graduated from general secondary schools and want to get an occupation or by people who are already active and want to change their profession.
Learning about massage therapy – studying physiotherapy
One can also get a degree in physiotherapy. However, it is worth mentioning that these studies give you not only the opportunity to become a professional massage therapist but also a physiotherapist, which has many more warrants.
Learning about massage – courses and professional training
The last option is to enroll in a wide range of courses and training in massage first-, second- and third-degree and focused on specific techniques. These courses are usually taught for a fee at a designated number of hours in a distance or evenings formula.
To enroll, you must have at least a high school education. Massage lessons are completed by a theoretical and practical exam, which, after obtaining a positive result in both parts, entitles you to get a certificate of completion.
Learn about the requirements of potential employers
Regardless of the chosen mode of learning a profession such as massage therapist, it is useful to know the requirements that employers have. It is evident that the labor market is characterized by the highest demand for qualified specialists.
Therefore, massage therapists with college and technical degrees who meet the physical requirements will be employed first. That is why taking massage therapy courses at various institutions that allow you to get these degrees will give you a better chance of finding a job.
Where to look for a job after school as a massage therapist
Becoming competent and educated is one thing but finding a job is another. When looking for employment, analyze all kinds of public and private establishments in your area that employ massage therapists.
It is also a good idea to submit your resume to hotels, wellness centers, and gyms or sports centers. When looking for a job as a massage therapist, it is best to keep up to date with local job portals and Facebook themed groups where professionals are sought.
Consider opening your own business
Another option is opening your own practice. Such a solution allows you to earn more money, since people who come to private massage parlors will pay more for it.
However, to take such steps, it is necessary to have an appropriate place and equipment. The conditions it should meet and what should be included in its equipment are defined in the regulations.
You should also remember that a massage parlor cannot function without sanitary acceptance, so it requires a positive decision from the sanitary inspectorate before accepting the first of its clients, which will allow the premises to be used and certify that it meets all regulatory requirements.
Constantly educate yourself
The last tip is to keep educating yourself. The massage therapy profession is constantly developing. With new techniques emerging all the time, the range in which you can give someone a massage is growing every year.
Therefore, if you want to stay in the job market in this profession, you need to improve your qualifications and skills through courses, postgraduate studies, and training to complement the knowledge and teaching new techniques.
For example, a masseur who specializes in the classical method should also get skills, including these types of massages:
- Chinese bubble,
- lymphatic,
- facial,
- Lomi Lomi.
This will allow them to use these techniques interchangeably and become a valued professional in his profession.
If you are interested in helping people, you can also think about how to become a dietitian.